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2917 NE 65th Street
Suite D
Vancouver WA 98663


(360) 993-1745

Home » Professional Products

Product ID: 90036
BBC 396/427 7.6” Lightweight Damper
BBC 396/427 7.6” Lightweight Damper
BB Chevy Harmonic Balancer These new dampers are significantly lighter in weight than our regular big block dampers. The 80000 series is 4.2 pounds lighter and the 90000 series is 4.8 pounds lighter. The 80036 and 90036 fit the 396/427 engines and the 80037/90037 dampers fit the 454/502 engines and are equipped with a bolt-in counterweight. Removal of the counterweight converts these dampers to a neutral balance style and in fact they then become an 80036/90036 damper. In order to reduce the weight but still allow use of our bolt-in counterweight the O.D. of these dampers is halfway between the standard 396/427 7

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List Price: 239.95
Price: 239.95
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