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2917 NE 65th Street
Suite D
Vancouver WA 98663


(360) 993-1745

Home » Professional Products

Product ID: PROF-90001
SBC 6-3/4" SFI Harmonic Damper (Ext.)
SBC 6-3/4" SFI Harmonic Damper (Ext.)
This unique design damper is for use on externally balanced small block Chevy engines. This would typically include 383 and 400 cid assemblies. Only a few damper manufacturers offer a small 6-3/4" damper for these engines and those dampers are usually very expensive. Our models, like all of our dampers and other products, are very high quality products at very affordable prices. Note that although this model damper features a bolt-in counterweight, the damper cannot be used without the weight. Due to the windows cut in the front face of the damper, if the counterweight is removed, the damper is still not a neutral balance damper. If you need a neutral balance 6-3/4" damper, use our 80000 or 90000 models.

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List Price: 197.35
Price: 197.35
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